Saturday, 22 June 2013

Yay!!!  So I got a macbook air!  And now I'm back on an actual machine that isn't touch screen like my ipad I am going to post more!  That's a promise.  Got to make use of this super expensive machine somehow!

So.... since I last posted.  The dog has got bigger, I started a dress making class.  I've been sewing more, baking more, cooking more but the king size quilt is still in a bundle on top of the spare room wardrobe!  That will get done before 2014!  It will.  honest.  I won't keep hiding from it.

Tonight I had some spare time so I got a bunch of fabric patches I had previous cut out and decided to do something with them.

And I managed to turn them into this!  A cushion that I've been meaning to cover for ages.

So I'm pretty pleased about this!

I rewarded myself with a cup of green tea!

Tomorrow we are going for a big walk in the forest and I am going to make my first roast in ages.  We normally don't make one for just the two of us as we end up either eating it all in one sitting (if we're feeling really greedy) or grazing on it for days.

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